• "Maarif Career Days" videos published on Turkish Maarif Foundation.” 

          • Good Practices in Education is an application that aims to share innovative projects and activities developed by our educators in Maarif Schools with an approach that adopts the principle of spreading goodness.


            In this context, "Maarif Career Days" were organized at the Maarif Schools of Ethiopia Yeka Campus in order to support the career development of our middle and high school students, to provide our students with professional awareness, and to contribute to their professional career choices.


            Maarif Career Days is an organization where people who are experts in their fields, known for their professional careers, and who have a vision and mission that will contribute positively to our students are invited.


            The project aims to remind our students, who have difficulty in coping with future anxiety and have trouble choosing a profession, that they should work with perseverance and determination for the careers they dream of.

          • International Maarif Schools of Ethiopia's Yeka branch visit unity park

          • Visiting Unity Park can offer students at the International Maarif School of Ethiopia's Yeka branch a fantastic opportunity to engage with the country's rich history and cultural heritage. Unity Park, situated in the heart of Addis Ababa, is not only a beautiful green space but also a place of national significance, featuring historical buildings and landmarks that are deeply rooted in Ethiopia's past.

            This visit can serve as a great educational excursion for the students, allowing them to learn about the country's history, diverse cultures, and the significance of unity. It can also inspire a sense of national pride and foster a deeper understanding of Ethiopia's heritage.