• PTSA parent elections Reschedule

          • The PTSA parent elections scheduled for today, Saturday, September 28, 2024, at the International Maarif Schools of Ethiopia, Yeka Branch, have been postponed to October 12, 2024. This postponement is due to the lack of a sufficient quorum (minimum of 50% plus one) required for the election to proceed.

          • First day of school

          • Welcome to the world of actual schooling, child! I hope that you have an excellent first day of school.

          • Welcome Back to Schoo l!

          • What a delightful day it has been at International Maarif Schools of Ethiopia Yeka branch ! We are thrilled to see our students back, filling the halls with energy and excitement. There's nothing quite like the buzz of the first day, as familiar faces return and new friendships begin. We're looking forward to a year full of learning, growth, and unforgettable memories. Welcome, everyone!